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W020130612617066995689.jpg Prof Li-Jun Wan
CAS Academician, Fellow of TWAS. Electrochemistry, Nanostructured materials f...
wangchunru.jpg Prof Chun-Ru Wang
Endohedral Fullerenes; Nanomaterials and Nanodevices; Biochemistry
W020131105807759686401.jpg Prof Xiaohong Fang
Single-molecue dynamics; Nanobiosensor; Nanoparticle-cell interaction
songweiguo.jpg Prof Wei-Guo Song
Nano-catalysis; Nano-adsorption
guoyuguo.jpg Prof Yu-Guo Guo
Li-ion batteries; Surface nanocoating; Li-S batteries; Novel rechargable batt...
wangdong.jpg Prof Dong Wang
Scanning Probe Microscopy; 2D nano-structured materials; Self-assembly
shuchunying.jpg Prof Chunying Shu
Nanomaterials for theranostics; Imaging of nanobiomaterials
hujinsong-preview.jpg Prof Jin-Song Hu
Electrochemical energy conversion; Solar energy conversion
caoanmin.jpg Prof An-Min Cao
Cathode materials for LIBs; Surface and interface control of functional mate...
Chinese Academy of Sciences 2013-07-19
Institute of Chemistry, CAS 2013-07-19
Minstry of Science and Technology 2013-07-19
National Science Foundation of China 2013-04-28
中国科学院   Copyright © Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Molecular Nanostructure and Nanotechnology
2 North First Street, Zhongguancun, Beijing, PR China 100190