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  Nanomaterials and Nanodevices for Energy Conversion and Storage 

Brief Introduction

Nanostructured materials are currently of great interest for electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices because of their novel size effects and significantly enhanced kinetics. However, their practical applications suffer from low thermodynamic stability and high activity towards surface reactions besides handle problems, all of which link to the small size and the high surface area. Therefore, “kinetically stabilized” nanomaterials should be considered, Our group devote to developing nano-materials for energy storage and conversion, especially the rational design and synthesis of effective nanomaterials for Li-ion batteries and have achieved innovative progress. Our research interests mainly are:

1Ion/electron storage and transport in nanoscaled systems

2The surface/interface stability of nano/micro hierarchical structures.

3Nanostructured materials and storage mechanism for advanced energy conversion and storage devices.

4New energy storage system and novel electrolyte.

Representative Research Work

1. A novel strategy of “hierarchically mixed three-dimension conductive network” was developed and many electrode materials with novel nano/micro structure for Li-ion batteries have been synthesized. Under the guidance of this strategy, the rate capabilities of electrode materials are considerably improved.

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2.     The surface/interface stability of electrode materials is solved through constructing nano/micro hierarchical structures and surface coatings. Many effective inorganic coating materials and methods were explored and the capacity and cycling performance are siginificantly enhanced.

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High-rate Li4Ti5O12 anode materials with rutile TiO2 coating

     3.A double protection strategy to improve the electrode performance of high capacity alloying anode materials has been developed. Combined the nano-carbon shell with graphite network, the volume expansion of electrode materials, the surface/interface and kinetics problems are solved. By applying the double protection strategy, the electrochemical properties are remarkedly improved.

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Schematic illustration of the synthesis route for the Ge@C/RGO nanocomposite.

4.  A two–electron process redox reaction for PTMA was realized for the first time by using  graphene to construct three dimensional conductive networks. A novel organic-inorganic hybrid cathode material with ultra-long cycle life and high capacity was developed and the kinetics of electrode materials is enhanced dramatically.

说明: 说明: 郭唯8

Organic radical polymer/graphene composite as cathode for Li-ion batteries

      5.We proposed and realized a new strategy by using chain-like small sulfur allotropes for high-performance LiS batteries. The confined S24 as a new cathode material can totally avoid the unfavorable transition between the commonly used large S8 and S4.

说明: 说明: 复件 TOC

Schematic illustration of the smaller sulfur molecules for better lithium−sulfur batteries.

6. Nano/micro structured LiFePO4 cathode material with impressive high-rate capability and low temperature performance were developed and the low cost and large-scale manufacture technique were realized.

Representative publications

1.        S. Xin, Y.-G. Guo, L.-J. Wan. Nanocarbon Networks for Advanced Rechargeable Lithium Batteries. Acc. Chem. Res., 2012, 45, 1759-1769

2.        S. Xin, L. Gu , N.-H. Zhao, Y.-X. Yin, L.-J. Zhou, Y.-G. Guo, L.-J. Wan. Smaller Sulfur Molecules Promise Better Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 18510-18513

3.        Y.-Q. Wang, L. Gu, Y.-G. Guo, H. Li, X.-Q. He, S. Tsukimoto, Y. Ikuhara, L.-J. Wan. Rutile-TiO2 Nanocoating for a High-Rate Li4Ti5O12 Anode of a Lithium-Ion Battery. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 7874-7879

4.        D.-J. Xue, S. Xin, Y. Yan, K.-C. Jiang, Y.-X. Yin, Y.-G. Guo, L.-J. Wan. Improving the Electrode Performance of Ge through Ge@C Core-Shell Nanoparticles and Graphene Networks. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 2512-2515

5.        F.-F. Cao, J.-W. Deng, S. Xin, H.-X. Ji, O.-G. Schmidt, L.-J. Wan, Y.-G. Guo. Cu-Si Nanocable Arrays as High-Rate Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Adv. Mater., 2011, 23, 4415-4420

6.        X.-L. Wu, L.-Y. Jiang, F.-F. Cao, Y.-G. Guo, L.-J. Wan. LiFePO4 Nanoparticles Embedded in a Nanoporous Carbon Matrix: Superior Cathode Material for Electrochemical Energy-Storage Devices. Adv. Mater., 2009, 21, 2710-2714

7.        Y.-G. Guo, J.-S. Hu, L.-J. Wan. Nanostructured Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Devices. Adv. Mater., 2008, 20, 2878-2887

8.        W.-M. Zhang, J.-S. Hu, Y.-G. Guo, S.-F. Zheng, L.-S. Zhong, W.-G. Song, L.-J. Wan. Tin-nanoparticles encapsulated elastic hollow carbon spheres for high-performance anode material in lithium-ion batteries. Adv. Mater., 2008, 20, 1160-1165

9.        W. Guo, Y.-X. Yin, S. Xin, Y.-G. Guo, L.-J. Wan. Superior radical polymer cathode material with a two-electron process redox reaction promoted by graphene. Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 5221-5225

10.    F.-F. Cao, Y.-G. Guo, L.-J. Wan. Better lithium-ion batteries with nanocable-like electrode materials. Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 1634-1642


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