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Prof. Xiaohong Fang
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Yan Feng received her B. S. and Ph. D. degrees in Instrument Science and Technology from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2004 and 2013 respectively.  She went to Heriot-Watt University in UK as a visiting scholar supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC), Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS) Scholarship and James Watt Scholarship (JWS) from Sept.2008 to Feb. 2010.  Then she pursued her second PhD project in Physics Department of Heriot-Watt University with the financial support from Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) Prize Scholarship from March 2010 till now.  Given that the analytical work of Yan’s PhD project in Physics has been nearly completed, she came to CAS Key Laboratory of Molecular Nanostructure and Nanotechnology as a post-doctor to exploit her knowledge to biochemical applications.  Her current research interests are Diffractive Optical Element (DOE) based 3D imaging system and its application in real-time live cell imaging.


1.        Alan H Greenaway, Paul A Dalgarno, Yan Feng, et al. Optical system.  Patent application number: GB1209021.3.  Filing date: 21/05/2012. UK.

2.        Jiaru Chu, Xiaohui Xu, Baoqing Li, Yan Feng, et al. PZT thick film actuated MEMS deformable mirror. Application No.: 200610167153.0, 12/09/2006. China.


Selected Journal paper:

1.        Yan Feng, Yuewei Liu, Jiaru Chu, Alan Greenaway. Color-corrected 3D microscopy. Optics Letters, 2013 (In preparation).

2.        Yan Feng, Paul A Dalgarno, David Lee, Yi Yang, Robert R Thomson, Alan H Greenaway. Chromatically-corrected, high-efficiency, multi-colour, multi-plane 3D imaging. Optics Express, 2012, 20(18): 20705-20714.

3.        Yan Feng, Louisa Scholz, David Lee, Heather Dalgarno, David Foo, Lei Yang, Weiping Lu, Alan Greenaway. Multi-mode microscopy using diffractive optical elements. Engineering Review, 2011, 31(2): 133-139.

4.        Yan Feng, Xiaohui Xu, Jiaru Chu, et al. Spray Wet Etching Process for Preparing PZT Thick-Film, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2008, 6(1): 59-63.

5.        X. H. Xu, Y. Feng, B. Q. Li and J. R. Chu. Integration of displacement sensor into bulk PZT thick film actuator for MEMS deformable mirror, Sensors and Actuators A, 2008, (147): 242-247.

6.        X. H. Xu, B. Q. Li, Y. Feng and J. R. Chu. Design, fabrication and characterization of bulk-PZT- actuated MEMS deformable mirror, J. Micromech. Microeng, 2007, (17):2439-2446.

7.        Xiaohui Xu, Yan Feng, Jiaru Chu, et al. Fabrication and characterization of PZT thick film actuators for MEMS deformable mirror, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2007, 5(4):261-265.

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