1. Single-molecule imaging and tracking of molecular dynamics in living cells, Nan Li,Rong Zhao,Yahong Sun, Zi Ye, Kangmin He*, Xiaohong Fang*, Natl. Sci. Rev, 2017, 4,739-760.2. Special topic for "single-molecule, single-particle and single-cell bioimaging", Haichun Fan*, Xiaohong Fang*, Sci. Chi. Chem, 2017, 60, 1265-1266.
3. Single-molecule imaging reveals the stoichiometry change of epidermal growth factor receptor during transactivation by β2-adrenergic receptor, Mingliang Zhang, Kangmin He, Jimin Wu, Nan Li, Jinghe Yuan, Wei Zhou, Zi Ye, Zijian Li, Han Xiao, Zhizhen Lv, Youyi Zhang*, Xiaohong Fang*, Sci. Chi. Chem. 2017,60,1310-1317.
4. Nanomechanical Characteristics of Cervical Cancer and Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy, Yueyi Cui, Xuejie Zhang, Ke You, Yanli Guo, Congrong Liu, Xiaohong Fang*, Li Geng*, Med. Sci. Monit. 2017, 23, 4205-4213.
5. Numerical Simulation of Surface-Enhanced Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering on Gold Nanoparticle Substrate, Qian Zhou,Jianhua Zhu, Jinghe Yuan*, Xiaohong Fang, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 2017,17,2152-2156.
6. Development of Integrated Atomic Force Microscopy and Fluorescence Microscopy for Single-Molecule Analysis in Living Cells, Gege Qin, Wenhui Li, Jiachao Xu, Xiaolong Kou, Rong Zhao, Fang Luo, Xiaohong Fang*, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 45, 1813-1822.