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time:2021-09-25 Browse:

 1.   Xuejiao Liu, Yansong Xiong, Chunjuan Zhang, Rongji Lai, Hui Liu, Ruizi Peng, Ting Fu, Qiaoling Liu,* Xiaohong Fang,* Stephen Mann,* and Weihong Tan*G-Quadruplex-Induced Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Biomimetic ProtocellsJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 11036-11043.


2.   Yu Lin, Feifei Jia, Ling Chen, Zhaoying Wang, Yanyan Zhang, Qun Luo, Suyan Liu, Luyu Qi, Nan Li, Pu Dong, Fei Gao,Wei Zheng, Xiaohong Fang, * Yao Zhao * and Fuyi Wang*. Single cell imaging reveals cisplatin regulating interactions between transcription (co)factors and DNAChem. Sci., 2021, 12, 5419–5429.


3.   Yong-Dan Zhao, Mamuti Muhetaerjiang, Hong-Wei An, Xiaohong Fang, Yuliang Zhao*, Hao Wang* , Nanomedicine enables spatiotemporally regulating macrophage-based cancer immunotherapy, Biomaterials. 2021,268,120552.


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