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Surface and Interface Molecular Reactions
time:2013-07-17 Browse:
     The study of surface and interface molecular reactions is a big challenge in surface physicochemistry and molecular science. The results of this study are of great importance for exploring the law of molecular reactions, for catalysis, electrochemistry, photochemistry, and for the development of molecular nanodevices. Surface and interface synthetic chemistry can fabricate highly ordered and adjustable nanostructures through a "bottom-up" route, which has great potential in the construction of new two-dimensional materials. Among them, the covalently bonded nanostructures produced by surface-interfacial molecular reactions own higher chemical and mechanical stability than the self-assembled products, and the covalently bonded conjugated molecular systems also have good electron transport properties. The main content of this research is to develop novel surface and interface synthesis strategies and synthesize novel functional covalent organic grid (COF) structures. The research involves basic scientific issues of physical chemistry and methodologies of nanostructure construction.
中国科学院   Copyright © Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Molecular Nanostructure and Nanotechnology
2 North First Street, Zhongguancun, Beijing, PR China 100190